Your gifts are welcome — and needed!
Our ability to undertake marker repairs and cleaning, organize special events, place flowers and other decorative plants, or tackle other projects, depends on the generosity of our supporters in the community-at-large.
Your gifts are tax-deductible, and go straight to the needs of the Cemetery. The Friends of Shockoe Hill Cemetery has no paid staff or other fixed overhead.
The Friends group is a proud partner of “Verdant Richmond“, a community-oriented 501(c)(3) organization, through which the Friends group shares tax-exempt status, and which provides gift collection, maintenance and accounting services to the group.
Your check can be mailed to:
Verdant Richmond / RE: Friends of Shockoe Hill Cemetery / 2 S. 25th ST / Richmond VA 23223
Checks should be made payable to “Verdant Richmond“, with the notation below “Friends of SHC“.
You can also make your gift securely online from our page on the Verdant Richmond website:
However you choose to support us…many thanks!