From Richmond Times-Dispatch 5 April 1915, page 6 column 4
The Voice of the People
Shockoe Cemetery Neglected
To the Editor of The Times-Dispatch:
Sir, -- Will you kindly allow me to ask a few questions through the columns of your paper regarding a subject dear to the hearts of some of our citizens (particularly the older ones) ? -- that is, why the discrimination against Shockoe Hill Cemetery?
I am aware, of course, that Hollywood is owned by a company, and, therefore, well looked after and guarded against depredations. However, Oakwood and Riverview I believe, belong to the city, and have regularly appointed and paid keepers who reside within the cemetery and see that the rights of the section owners are respected, while Shockoe seems to be left to the mercy of any who may enter her gates. Some of our citizens may not know of the existence of this burial ground, though it is one of the oldest in Richmond, and here rest the remains of our first Chief Justice, John Marshall, as well as many of Richmond's most prominent citizens in bygone years.
It is true that the majority of the section owners have passed to the great beyond, but some of their descendants are still among us, and take pride in keeping up the appearance of their lots; but it is rather disheartening, to say the least, when the gates are left open, and children and possibly older persons come in and carry out the (flowers, and no one to raise a word of protest. There are no wild flowers in this cemetery other than a few periwinkles or unscented violets.
Now, as one of the interested ones, I would like to enter a protest and ask if the city fathers cannot give us some relief. There is a watch-house at the gate which in former years has been occupied by a keeper (one of the inmates of the home, I am told), but surely if Oakwood and Riverview are entitled to a paid keeper, why not Shockoe? Better have the gates locked, as in years gone by, than to have no protection.
I trust this matter may receive the attention of the cemetery board and that justice may be done.
Richmond, April 3, 1915